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This grafted walnut produces red kernaled nuts suitable for eating or oil. It is mid flowering  and partly self-fertile.


Growth habit: medium strongLeaf/flower:

Early/mid leaf and female flowers 3rd week of April Nut:

Medium, ovalKernel: Pink-dark red, good taste, high oil, fills the shell well

Cropping: Good yield, reliable

Pollination: self fertile, to maximise plant Cowling, Shouldham, Mullicourt


Juglans regia - Sychrov (eating & oil)

  • TREE HABIT AND VIGOUR: Strong growing

    NUT TYPE: Medium/thin-shelled

    KERNEL: Red, high oil content (70%)


    POLLINATION: Partly self-fertile, enhanced with a polllinator


    Depending upon the time of year the plant will be sent as either:

    October to March  - bare-root


    1 year old - 30cm-45cm

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