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Specially selected medium grafted walnut of local Fenland origin. Suitable for gardens and orchards, Good in cool wet summers

COWLING: UK seedling unique from Wind Fall Nurseries. Local seedling

Growth habit: Medium/strong upright tree 

LEAFING/FLOWER ONSET: Mid/late, male and female have two flowering flushes(end of April-mid May) a heavy 90% followed by a light flush. This long flowering period makes it a great polliniser for other part self fertile cultivars, such as Shenovo, Izvor10, and top up for Shouldham, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mullicourt, Low Dyke and overlapping some flowers of the later Peruschenski, Lara, Fernette, Buccaneer and Tulare.

NUT TYPE: Medium nut, roundish with rim, reliable good cropper, pleasant taste. Good in cool wet summers 

KERNEL: Good eating, stores well


POLLINATION: Self fertile cropping to maximise plant with Shouldham, Low Dyke or Mullicourt

Juglans regia-Cowling (eating)

  • TREE HABIT AND VIGOUR:/medium upright tree 

    NUT TYPE:  Reliable cropper , medium nuts

    KERNEL : Good flavour, stores well

    LEAFING/FLOWER ONSET: Late flowering

    CROPPING: Reliable, good

    AGE AT FIRST BEARING: 3-5 years

    POLLINATION: Self-fertile


    Depending upon the time of year the plant will be sent as either:

    November to March  - bare-root


    1 year old - 30cm-45cm 

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